Dame Dash Buys Controlling Interest in Rachel Roy's Clothing Company - The Source Magazine

Entrepreneur Dame Dash has been making headlines in the news for a myriad of reasons lately. In an olive branch moment, Dash offered apologies to Jay-Z, Jim Jones, and surprisingly to Lyor Cohen who has accused to rupturing the Roc a Fella and being a "culture vulture." Now, Dash is in the news for his skills as a businessman. It's being reported that Dash has purchased back the majority interest in his ex-wife Rachel Roy's clothing company. The Rachel Roy Collection has been under the umbrella of Topson Downs, its parent company.

Dash took to Twitter to announce his latest business venture. He noted, "I'm very proud to announce that like a real boss …I've bought back the majority Interest in @rachel_Roy from @topsondowns. They didn't want me announce yet because they wanted Rachel to sign something saying she wouldn't sue them but that has nothing to do with me…so I'm celebrating cause why would Rachel not want me to buy back the company I invested 6 million of my own money into (like a real boss) only so @ava_dash and @tallulah_dash would have a company to run…so I bought it back and I'm gonna re launch luxury with @ava_dash and @tallulah_dash as the face…we are a real fashion family for years now and we are 100 percent Indy 100 million dollar a year company family owned by a black man."


Dash then challenged the media to cover his business transaction claiming that he only gets coverage when he surrounded by negativity. Dash said, "Rachel please don't mess this deal up and if you do please publicly explain yourself…" Dash added. "Whoever doesn't write about this is an obvious hater y'all said I was broke the last 10 years but when a black man really buys a company y'all don't wanna say shit…"

Whether you love him or hate him, Dame Dash always stands in his truth and promotes the power of entrepreneurship. With anticipation, we'll wait and see what else Dash has up his sleeves.


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